AWS provides a powerful cloud load balancer service called Elastic Load Balancer. There are a few types of it but on this page, AWS ALB (Application Load Balancer) is the target.

Select the Application Load Balancer on the load balancer creation page.

Set the load balancer's name and further details. Since we are going to use SSL with the load balancer, the lister for HTTPS should be also added in this section.

Select the SSL certificate you already have on AWS ACM (Amazon Certificate Manager). You could always issue a new one on the fly by going to the ACM console without any charge.

Select (or create) the security group with the 80 / 443 ports opened.

Create a load balancer target group. This will be a pool of servers to which a load balancer can forward the traffic. Please make sure to set the health check path to /v1/health. This would make the load balancer call the HollaEx health page to check the target pool availability.

Add your instance with HollaEx running at here. This would be added as a member of the target group pool.

Once you have reviewed your configurations and created a load balancer, you would able to see a DNS name for it. This should be bound with your domain(s) for the domain access.

There are 2 domains required for the exchange operation. One for the API server, and the other for the exchange website. If your domain is, we recommend you to use as the API domain, and as the website domain. These domains should be bound with the load balancer DNS name with CNAME.

Once it's all set, there's a command needed to be run using the HollaEx CLI. The hollaex prod command will help you to apply domains for production on the exchange.

Apply the domains you've just configured on your DNS. Since we've already bound an SSL on the load balancer level, you should not issue an SSL through the HollaEx CLI.

Once everything is done, try to reach the exchange health page through your domain. If it's all accessible, you are done. You can now proudly introduce your exchange to the world. Have fun :)

Last updated