DeFi Asset Staking Process

Staking DeFi assets requires your own wallet outside of the exchange. To start with staking, you first need to establish a connection between the wallet and HollaEx. Once connected, you can stake and start earning directly from your wallet.

1. Go to the Stake page on Click the ‘CONNECT WALLET’ button in order to connect your wallet.

2. If you haven’t installed Metamask on your browser, proceed with installing Metamask into your browser through

3. Once you are done with the installation, you can see that the Metamask icon is added in extensions.

4. For your information, you can view and copy your Metamask address by clicking the Metamask icon.

5. In order to add HollaEx token(XHT) to the list, you first should add XHT on Metamask by clicking ‘import tokens’.

6. Click the ‘Custom Token’ tab and it will require the XHT contract address.

XHT token contract address : 0xD3c625F54dec647DB8780dBBe0E880eF21BA4329

7. The XHT contract address can be searched and copied through Etherscan as well.

8. Once you paste the XHT contract address, the token symbol and token decimal will automatically appear. Click the blue ‘Add custom token’ button below to proceed.

9. Click the ‘Import Tokens’ button and XHT will be successfully added to the asset list.

10. After XHT is added in Metamask, click the ‘CONNECT WALLET’ button again.

11. The Metamask extension will appear again. Connect it by clicking the ‘Next’ button.

12. You can start staking once Metamask is connected. Click the ‘STAKE’ button to proceed.

13. Input XHT amount to stake from your available amount.

14. You can select staking duration. The longer you stake the more you are rewarded.

  • 1W: Staking for 1 week will earn regular rewards.

  • 1M: Staking for 1 month will earn bonus rewards on your earnings.

  • 1Y: Staking for 1 year will earn the highest bonus rewards on your earnings.

15. Check and confirm the details before you stake. These details include duration, predicted earnings, and slashing(early unstake). The duration is measured by the timing of the Ethereum blocks.

Note that unstaking early will result in a percentage of your stakes principle to be deducted and earnings forfeited.

16. Click the ‘con rm’ button and complete your staking process.

Note that enough Ethereum balance for the gas fee is needed to move forward with staking.

17. The staking status will be displayed below after being done with staking. You can unstake early by clicking the button on the right. Once again, remember that unstaking early will result in a percentage of your stakes principle being deducted and earnings forfeited.

Last updated