Development Walkthrough: Hello-Plugin

For those who want to walk before they run, this (very) simple plugin will show the process of creating, configuring and running a plugin

The Goal

Over the next few pages, each of the pages' concepts will be illustrated with a simple example plugin hello-plugin.

What the hello-plugin plugin will allow is calling the endpoint GET /plugins/hello-plugin/info and receive the following response:

    public_message: 'Hello Plugin!',
    private_message: 'Hello Plugin...',
    library_message: 'Hello Plugin NPM',
    moment_timestamp: <ISO_STRING>
    exchange_info: {...}

The elements of this output come from the following sources:

  • public_message: A value set in public_meta.

  • private_message: A value set in meta

  • library_message: The string produced by our third-party npm library.

  • moment_timestamp: Date ISO string produced by a default library (moment).

  • exchange_info: The exchange's basic information.

We will also be adding a new page to our exchange web_view that displays our custom client-side interface for hello-plugin.

In the next sections, we go through all the components in the plugin and gradually develop each component for hello-plugin step by step.

Last updated