Set up SMTP with SendGrid

SendGrid is one of the well-known email service providers and it can be integrated easily with HollaEx Kit. In this article we will go through step by step on how to set up Sendgrid with HollaEx Kit.

Get started

Simply go to the SendGrid website, and sign up.

The first thing you should do after the sign-up is, creating a new sender. Go to the 'Sender Authentication' section at the sidebar and continue.

Make sure to go through the email link verification afterward.

Now, you should make an API key for SendGrid. Go to the 'API Keys' section at the sidebar and create an API key. You should give at least 'Mail' permission to it!

Don't forget to keep it somewhere once its generated.

Configuring the SMTP

To use SendGrid for sending emails from your HollaEx Kit exchange, refer to the details below and set it on your exchange.

Please check SendGrid's official docs for more information.

  • Host:

  • Port: 587

  • Username: apikey (It's just a string 'apikey'!)

  • Password: <YOUR-API-KEY-VALUE>

Your configuration will look like the screenshot above.

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