P2P Troubleshooting
The P2P system is simple to setup, but on occasion, there may be issues in getting it to function as you want, this page hopes to alleviate this specific issues.
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The P2P system is simple to setup, but on occasion, there may be issues in getting it to function as you want, this page hopes to alleviate this specific issues.
Last updated
If your issue isn't listed, or the fix has not done what you wish, please send the team to support@hollaex.com a message and they will be sure to assist in your case as soon as possible.
With the initial configurations complete, you may notice that you and your users cannot take advantage of the P2P system you have set up, or it behaves differently from your expectations. Depending on your configurations, some additional steps may be required to get things running smoothly.
If you find that, once the P2P system is set up, the buy/sell toggle button at the top of th screen is locked to one side, this is a simple fix.
The most likely candidate for causing this behavior is in the Sides option. To find this, head to the Operator Controls -> Markets -> P2P -> P2P Settings and check the first listed option Sides. This is shown in the image below:
This option defines what 'side' of a trade a vendor can create. In essence, whether they are limited to simply selling crypto for fiat or vice versa.
If you want to allow both sides and notice the Sides option is limited to one, simply hit the green 'Edit Settings' button in the top right, and from the menu ensure 'All' is selected.
This is likely due to the tier system, and tier requirements set for the P2P system. Accounts that have obtained a user tier, defined by the admin in the setup stage, can see this particular tab, but users on any tier below this will not have it visible.
The primary way to tackle this issue is to ensure that those users, that you wish to act as vendors are on the necessary (or higher) account tier needed to post trades. To manually upgrade a user's tier, head to the User page on the Operator Controls sidebar, find (via the search bar) the user you desire to be made a vendor, and access their User page.
From here, find the Tier option from the User Info section, where you can manually assign them the required tier to be a vendor. This option is shown in the image below: