Launching the Exchange

Want to get a start on your HollaEx exchange? Please submit the form found at the following address and, if accepted, the HollaEx team will get in touch shortly with the next steps.

🕹️ Follow our step-by-step guide on Arcade: Launching a HollaEx Exchange

Logging Into the HollaEx Dashboard for the First Time

  1. Access the HollaEx Dashboard and using your credentials (emailed to you directly by the HollaEx team) log in to the dashboard.

    1. If you do not have these credentials, please submit this form to get in contact with the team.

Dashboard Initial Login
  1. A verification code will be sent to the credential's email. Find this, copy and paste it into the text box, and click 'Submit'.

    Dashboard Verification
  2. On successful verification, for the first login, you will enter the setup wizard. 🧙

    Setup Wizard First Screen

  3. Now follow the five steps that are given, with basic information. Note that details can be changed later, so don't worry if not 100% certain at this point what you want. The five steps ask for the following:

    1. General - First, create the exchange's name. This will need to be unique and will represent your exchange.

    2. Business - Second, company information is asked for such as Name, a brief summary of the platform, and where your company will operate from.

    3. Asset Setup - Here the list of assets is added to. Some are here as default and can be removed, or you can see our list of supported assets to add to the exchange

    4. Trading Pairs - Here the assets that were chosen previously, can be paired together such that they are tradeable using the Pro Trade interface.

      1. By default, most assets are already supported for trading with USDT. New pairs, will need to be added through contact with the HollaEx team.

      2. These pairs do not affect the OTC Broker and are used only for the orderbook markets

  4. Choose Plan - Finally, select the plan that you have chosen

    1. If you are launching a trial exchange, please ensure that you select the Enterprise plan to ensure you can access all features

  5. With the 5 steps complete, select 'OK' and enter the Dashboard for the first time.

    1. If you are launching a trial exchange, please ignore billing and KYC, you will be able to launch without filling in these sections

  6. Access the 'Hosting' page from the top of the sidebar

    Dashboard Home
  7. On the 'Hosting' page, select the second tab 'Domain', and click 'Configure' to set the exchange's domain

    Configuring Domain
    1. Here you can either use the provided HollaEx domain to get set up quickly

    2. Or follow these instructions to use your own domain

    Selecting Domain Type

  8. Click 'Connect domain' to confirm your domain details

    Domain Configuration Complete

    1. Remember, if you are launching your trial exchange, you can ignore the 'pending bill' message and simply continue

  9. Navigate to the Manage tab, to go live with your exchange

    Manage Tab

  10. Click the 'Go Live' button to start the automated setup of the exchange. This will take around 30 minutes on average.

    Going Live
  11. You can monitor the setup in the 'Events' tab, and on completion of the setup will also receive an email

    Building Exchange

    Events Tab

  12. With setup complete, go back to the 'Domain' tab, and access the connected domain, copying the address and pasting it into a new tab

    Accessing Excange

  13. The first time the exchange is accessed, you will see a blue screen. This the initial admin setup

    Exchange Initial Setup

  14. Follow the steps to create the admin. It is vital to memorize the chosen credentials as they are not recoverable after creation.

  15. Follow the exchange configuration step by step. Here, all details (except for 2FA) can be changed at a later date:

    1. Time Zone & Language - Select the initial time zone/ language of the exchange.

    2. Admin Security - Follow the steps to set up 2FA for the admin.

    3. Assets & Trading - Confirm the assets, as well as choose the native currency of the exchange (USDT generally)

    4. Features - Enable/ disable the features, these can be changed later in the operator controls

    5. Email - Configure SMTP, this can be done later in the operator controls

  16. Review the exchange's initial configuration, and confirm

    Final configuration review

  17. Finally, hit 'Enter your Exchange'

    Final screen

  18. You will now see the exchange's interface

    Exchange on first load

  19. Enjoy the exchange!


To learn how to operate the exchange, you are already in the right place. Simply run through any pages on the sidebar that interest you for instructions on setup and use

On top of this, please check out our YouTube channel for video instructions, as well as some videos detailing how some HollaEx systems work.

Finally, for any issues please feel free to contact our support email at

Last updated