Troubleshooting Guide

Overriding initial configurations

hollaex toolbox --set_config

Occasionally there could be something wrong with the initial data you provided to the exchange. The command here is built for that. Once you run the command, it will completely override the exchange with the settings on your local HollaEx Kit.

Please double-check the /settings directory of your local HollaEx Kit before running the command. Please run this command after you fully understand what you are doing!

Filling up the missing initial configurations

hollaex toolbox --check_config

Maybe your exchange's initial data doesn't really have an issue, but you just missed a few parts of it as blank, this command could be the cure.

The command here will check the initial configurations, and fill up the missing ones based on your local HollaEx Kit.

Please double-check the /settings directory of your local HollaEx Kit before running the command. Please run this command after you fully understand what you are doing!

hollaex toolbox --set_security

You know, things can happen. You might lock down yourself by applying a wrong IP on the IP whitelist, maybe applying a wrong domain on the allowed domain list, or just messing up the reCaptcha settings.

Don't panic. Run this command, keep calm and carry on.

This command will override your security-related configurations.

Overriding an activation code

hollaex toolbox --set_activation_code

In case you want to override your current exchange activation code to a new one, this will do the job.

Before running the command, please open your secret file in your HollaEx Kit path, /settings directory.

You'll find a key called HOLLAEX_SECRET_ACTIVATION_CODE. Update the value with the new one you got.

Save it and proceed to run the command above.

Connecting to databases

hollaex toolbox --connect_database

If you need direct console access to the exchange PostgreSQL database, run this command to make it happen!

hollaex toolbox --connect_redis

This option is available for the Redis too.

Running an InfluxDB migration

hollaex toolbox --influxdb_migration

InfluxDB on the HollaEx allows the charts to be displayed on the trading page. If you are having a chart displaying issue, try to run this command. It could be the fix.

Installing a specific version of CLI

hollaex toolbox --install_cli <VERSION_NUMBER>

Wanna upgrade or downgrade your local HollaEx CLI to a specific version? This is built for you. Simply run the command above with the version number you want to install. Easy!

Last updated