Plugin Libraries

Libraries allow access to functionality for plugins. Some are included within the HollaEx Kit, but you have the ability to import ones of your own choosing that have not been included

There are three types of third-party libraries for all plugins: preconfigured, default, and plugin specific.

Preconfigured Libraries

Preconfigured libraries are libraries that have the same configuration for all plugins. These are included in an object this.pluginLibraries. The libraries included are:

Default Libraries

Default libraries are libraries that are already installed in the Kit itself. These can be imported using require. Please take a look at the Kit package.json file for all default libraries included. Some are:

Click here to view the default libraries

Plugin Specific Libraries

Plugin-specific libraries are libraries that are not installed in the Kit but are required for the plugin. These can be installed through the prescript.install object in the plugin config.json file and imported using require.

Do not add any plugin-specific libraries that are already included by default.

A different version could be installed which can cause unexpected bugs.

To add a plugin-specific library on installation, include the library name inside the install array in the prescript object. To specify a version, include the @ symbol with the version desired (similar to how a basic npm install works).

    prescript: {
        install: ['hello-world-npm']

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