
CoinMarketCap is one of the leading names in crypto. With this plugin you can make it easier to get listed

Available To

Available to all operators for a one-time fee of $500

What Is It?

The CoinMarketCap (CMC) plugin is a simple behind-the-scenes plugin, that aligns your HollaEx exchanges with CMC's standards for exchange listing.

It does this by creating a set of API endpoints that are integrated into your exchange's platform, allowing for seamless communication with CoinMarketCap.

CoinMarketCap's requirements for endpoints are listed here. Below you can find the plugin endpoints:

  • GET <yourexchange_api_url>/plugins/cmc/summary

  • GET <yourexchange_api_url>/plugins/cmc/assets

  • GET <yourexchange_api_url>/plugins/cmc/tickers

  • GET <yourexchange_api_url>/plugins/cmc/orderbook

  • GET <yourexchange_api_url>/plugins/cmc/trades

With the CoinMarketCap Plugin, the CMC technical team no longer has to go through the tedious process of manually converting your HollaEx-based exchange API, and so makes it easy for CoinMarketCap to integrate with your exchange from a technical perspective.

In addition to making the exchange listing process easier, the CoinMarketCap Plugin also provides real-time updates and insights into your exchange's performance on CoinMarketCap. This allows you to track your exchange's ranking, trading volume, and other key metrics in real-time, enabling you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your exchange's performance.

Who Needs It?

The CoinMarketCap Plugin is a must-have tool for any operator looking to streamline the exchange listing process and also gain valuable insights into their performance on one of the world's leading cryptocurrency marketplaces.

How to Use It?

Fortunately, this plugin requires little action on the exchange simply pay for the invoice it, and it can be installed, however you will need to contact CMC to get listed.

Last updated