
Through WebSocket connections real-time updates can be obtained from a variety of sources


You can connect and subscribe to different WebSocket channels for real-time updates.

To connect, use the connect function with the channels you want to subscribe to in an array as the parameter. The connection will reconnect on its own unless you call disconnect.

client.connect(['orderbook', 'trade']);

To disconnect the WebSocket, call disconnect.


To subscribe to more channels after connection, use subscribe.

client.subscribe(['order:1', 'wallet:1']);

To unsubscribe from channels after connection, use unsubscribe.



Here is the list of channels you can subscribe to:

  • orderbook

  • trades

  • order (Only available with authentication. Receive order updates for a user of your exchange)

  • wallet (Only available with authentication. Receive balance updates for a user of your exchange)

For public channels (orderbook, trade), you can subscribe to specific symbols as follows: orderbook:xht-usdt, trade:xht-usdt. Not passing a symbol will subscribe to all symbols.

For private channels (order, trade), you must also pass the user's ID on the HollaEx Network as follows: order:1, wallet:23. Not passing an ID will give an error.


After connecting to the WebSocket, you can listen for events coming from the server by using the on function for the ws property of the client. The events available are default WebSocket events e.g. message, open, close, error, unexpected-response, etc.

client.ws.on('message', (data) => {
	data = JSON.parse(data);

These are examples of data responses from the server.

orderbook: Updates related to the user's private information are as follows:

 	"topic": "orderbook",
 	"action": "partial",
 	"symbol": "xht-usdt",
 	"data": {
 		"bids": [
 			[0.1, 0.1],
 		"asks": [
 			[1, 1],
 		"timestamp": "2020-12-15T06:45:27.766Z"
 	"time": 1608015328

trade: Updates related to the user's private information are as follows:

 	"topic": "trade",
 	"action": "partial",
 	"symbol": "xht-usdt",
 	"data": [
 			"size": 0.012,
 			"price": 300,
 			"side": "buy",
 			"timestamp": "2020-12-15T07:25:28.887Z"
 	"time": 1608015328

wallet: Updates related to the user's private information are as follows:

 	"topic": "wallet",
 	"action": "partial",
 	"user_id": 1,
 	"data": {
 		"usdt_balance": 1,
 		"usdt_available": 1,
 		"xht_balance": 1,
 		"xht_available": 1,
 		"xmr_balance": 1,
 		"xmr_available": 1,
 		"btc_balance": 1,
 		"btc_available": 1,
 		"eth_balance": 1,
 		"eth_available": 1,
 		"updated_at": "2020-12-15T08:41:24.048Z"
 	"time": 1608021684

order: Websocket messages relating to the user's orders.

  • The status of the order can be new, pfilled, filled, and canceled.

  • The action of the data determines what caused it to happen. All three are explained below:

  • partial: All previous and current orders. Is the first order data received when connecting. Max: 50. Descending order.

	"topic": "order",
	"action": "partial",
	"user_id": 1,
	"data": [
			"id": "7d3d9545-b7e6-4e7f-84a0-a39efa4cb173",
			"side": "buy",
			"symbol": "xht-usdt",
			"type": "limit",
			"size": 0.1,
			"filled": 0,
			"price": 1,
			"stop": null,
			"status": "new",
			"fee": 0,
			"fee_coin": "xht",
			"meta": {},
			"fee_structure": {
				"maker": 0.1,
				"taker": 0.1
			"created_at": "2020-11-30T07:45:43.819Z",
			"created_by": 1
	"time": 1608022610

insert: When user's order is added. The status of the order can be either new, pfilled, or filled.

	"topic": "order",
	"action": "insert",
	"user_id": 1,
	"symbol": "xht-usdt",
	"data": [
			"id": "7d3d9545-b7e6-4e7f-84a0-a39efa4cb173",
			"side": "buy",
			"symbol": "xht-usdt",
			"type": "limit",
			"size": 0.1,
			"filled": 0,
			"price": 1,
			"stop": null,
			"status": "new",
			"fee": 0,
			"fee_coin": "xht",
			"meta": {},
			"fee_structure": {
				"maker": 0.1,
				"taker": 0.1
			"created_at": "2020-11-30T07:45:43.819Z",
			"updated_at": "2020-12-15T08:56:45.066Z",
			"created_by": 1
	"time": 1608022610

update: When user's order status is updated. Status can be pfilled, filled, and canceled.

	"topic": "order",
	"action": "insert",
	"user_id": 1,
	"symbol": "xht-usdt",
	"data": [
			"id": "7d3d9545-b7e6-4e7f-84a0-a39efa4cb173",
			"side": "buy",
			"symbol": "xht-usdt",
			"type": "limit",
			"size": 0.1,
			"filled": 0,
			"price": 1,
			"stop": null,
			"status": "new",
			"fee": 0,
			"fee_coin": "xht",
			"meta": {},
			"fee_structure": {
				"maker": 0.1,
				"taker": 0.1
			"created_at": "2020-11-30T07:45:43.819Z",
			"updated_at": "2020-12-15T08:56:45.066Z",
			"created_by": 1
	"time": 1608022610

Last updated