HollaEx® - The Crypto Exchange Solution
HollaEx - Award-Winning White-Label Exchange Software
Last updated
HollaEx - Award-Winning White-Label Exchange Software
Last updated
Before we start, welcome to the HollaEx Docs!
With HollaEx, our team hopes to dramatically lower the barriers to entry of crypto exchange ownership; allowing both teams and individuals of all technical abilities to enter the realm of digital assets, crypto trading, on-ramping, and more.
This documentation contains detailed information and guides for utilizing HollaEx and its many features.
To begin your HollaEx journey, please start by submitting the form at the following address. With this form submitted, the HollaEx team will be in touch if we think we can help you, and your team.
HollaEx Website: Our main page on the web. Links and information to various aspects of HollaEx Exchanges
HollaEx Pro: An active HollaEx Exchange, run directly by our team. A quick way to experience the user side of the HollaEx experience
HollaEx Blog: Collection of articles written by our team, and other contributors, discussing a huge variety of topics: new releases, informational posts, developments in the crypto world, and more
HollaEx YouTube: Collection of videos related to HollaEx; How-Tos, Explanations of systems, News, and more
Discord Community: Our Discord. Various boards, covering releases, new tokens, general community chats, and more. Chat with both members of the community as well as team members
HollaEx Forum for Q/A: Our official forums, focussed mainly on support from the community and team members
HollaEx Kit: https://github.com/hollaex/hollaex-kit
HollaEx CLI (Command Line Interface): https://github.com/hollaex/hollaex-cli
HollaEx Network Library: https://github.com/hollaex/hollaex-kit/tree/master/server/utils/hollaex-network-lib
HollaEx Tools Library: https://github.com/hollaex/hollaex-kit/tree/master/server/utils/hollaex-tools-lib
HollaEx Node Library: https://github.com/hollaex/hollaex-node-lib
API Docs: List of the API functions offered with HollaEx exchanges. Set up bespoke functionality with ease