DigitalOcean LB

DigitalOcean, one of the most famous cloud provider for developers provides a cloud load balancer. You could proceed to create it at Network section of DigitalOcean web console.

Select the region where your HollaEx Kit server is running, and bound the server with load balancer through the Add Droplet section.

DigitalOcean Load Balancer provides both SSL Termination and SSL Passthrough for the encrypted communication. SSL Termination on DigitalOcean Load Balancer requires either importing manual SSL certificate or assigning DigitalOcean DNS for the Let's Encrypt certificate.

This example is using the SSL Passthrough.

You will be able to see the Load balancer status after you saved your settings.

Please set the health check URL to /v2/health in the Settings section of Load balancer.

Before to proceed, you need to make sure to bind the Load balancer's IP with your own domain's DNS.

There are 2 domains required for the exchange operation. One for the API server, and the other for the exchange website. If your domain is, we recommend you to use as the API domain, and as the website domain. These domains should be bind with the load balancer's IP address with A Record.

Once the domains are all set, run hollaex prod to also bind the domains to the exchange server, and issue the SSL certificate due to we selected SSL Passthrough above.

Go to the HollaEx CLI, and run hollaex prod on it. You should type the domains you've bound at your DNS with the Load balancer. Since we selected SSL Passthrough, issuing SSL through the hollaex prod is also required.

Issue SSL certs for the both domains, and restart the server and web (rebuild) by following the CLI instruction. The server and the web will be reachable from the browser with SSL after the full restart.

Enjoy your exchange with the powerful load balancer mounted :)

Last updated