Creating an Account on the HollaEx Dashboard

The Dashboard is the launching point for your exchange, as well as being invaluable tool in the operation of it

The first step to success with HollaEx is to create your account if you haven't already, and make the first choices for your future exchange. This is super simple and will take only a few minutes

First up is registering the account you want to use with the dashboard, this process is the exact same as you have done all over the web, email, password, and verification.

With the account registered and verified, log in to the dashboard, where you will be greeted with the following screen.

Hit the big, blue button to get started!

Exchange Initial Setup

From here we have 5 quick steps:

1. General

Here we choose the name of the exchange. The name here does not necessarily define the name that your users will know the exchange as, so don't worry about picking the perfect name just yet!

2. Business

Here are a few quick questions so that we can learn a little about your business, or planned business. Read what each box asks of you and fill them out.

3. Asset Setup

Getting to the interesting bit now! Asset setup is just now the choice of what cryptocurrencies you want to offer to your users. Again don't worry about making the perfect choices right now, as this can all be changed instantly when the site is live.

There are two lists we can choose from when hitting the blue 'Add Asset' link at the bottom of the list:

HollaEx Assets

These are the default assets offered by HollaEx, a huge amount of tokens are listed including all major tokens such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. as well as tokens you may not have heard of.

Other Assets

These are the assets that other HollaEx operators have added for their own exchanges, and also made public to allow other exchanges to list them. For more information on this take a look at the add 'Add New Coins & Pairs' page.

4. Trading Pair

Now from all the currencies chosen in the previous step, we link them together and define what asset can be traded for what. Again the theme of being able to change all aspects latter holds true for the trading pairs as well.

5. Plan & Hosting

The penultimate step is choosing what plan you wish to use for your exchange. For information on the three Cloud plans, please read this PDF, which goes into detail about what these plans offer.

If instead, you are setting up a On-Premise exchange, click the link just under the blue 'Select' button.


Finally, To ensure that the process goes without a hitch, make sure to complete the verification steps on the dashboard. The 3 verification steps can be found on the sidebar under 'Verification' with the red exclamation mark on it.

Simply fill out the 3 fields: name, phone number, and documents and you are good to go!

Next Steps

If you choose to use a Cloud plan, all that needs to be done is to settle your invoice, and then hit the 'Go Live' button, it's that easy!

If you are an On-Premise operator, head over to this page of the docs to see what the next steps are.

Last updated