Add New Coins & Pairs
Please note that adding new coins and markets to the HollaEx Network requires and XHT donation for activation of the asset and this rule is applied to all coins and markets irrespective of their size and popularity.
📺 Watch on YouTube!: Listing Custom Token or Coin on Your Exchange
Add a new coin
Adding a new coin on your exchange can be easily done through the exchange's operator control page. Go to the "Assets" tab on the operator's control, or via the Assets tab in the Dashboard. You'll see the list of coins you currently have on your exchange.
From there, you can proceed to add a new coin by clicking the "Create/add asset" button
HollaEx Assets are those assets that have been added by HollaEx itself, with 'Other Assets' being assets that other Exchange operators have added (see 'Create a New Coin' below) which you will also have access to.
Click the "Asset" dropdown on the popup. You can see all the available coins you can instantly add to your exchange, or search with either the coin's contract address or name.
With the coin you want to add selected click 'Next' to proceed.
Check for the details, and click 'Confirm' to apply.
Ta-da! The new coin has been added to your assets list and is now instantly available on your exchange. 🪙
Create a New Coin
📺 Watch on YouTube!: Listing Custom Token or Coin on Your Exchange
It may be the case that the current list of coins doesn't have what you currently want Or alternately, it could the case you have or plan to create a totally new coin of your own. In either case, don't worry, both follow the same process.
Let's go back to the 'Create/add asset' popup and click the 'Add your asset' link.
The popup will ask you a few questions about your new coin. If the coin that you are trying to add is already available on the blockchain, choose 'Blockchain'. Otherwise, select Fiat (real-life currency issued by a government. e.g. Korean Won).
Bear in mind that adding a Fiat Currency is more involved than a blockchain, due to the requirement to have a payment provider to work with for it.
In this case. let's follow the process for a blockchain asset. Our first option is to choose what network the asset uses.
Find the contract address for the asset you want to add, a good place to find this, if you don't already know the address, is via Etherscan, alongside a host of other information about the asset in question.
The name and symbol of the asset will be retrieved automatically and filled in for you once the contract is found. What is left is to choose the color for the coin's border, a description of the asset, and an icon that will be used for it (ideally 75x75 pixels).
The last setting to make public means you have the choice of either keeping the asset to your exchange or alternately making the asset available to other exchange operators, which could benefit how many users are exposed to the new asset.
Following this, input the amount your asset is priced at (in US dollars).
Next up, choose the parameters regarding withdrawing your asset.
Finally, review your values and confirm. With this all done, your asset will be marked as pending in the Assets list, with a little orange clock icon beside its name.
To finalize your coin and have it available to trade with the HollaEx team will need to verify it, as well as a donation of 1000 XHT being made to the following XHT address:
Users on the Crypto Pro, Enterprise, and Boost plans will receive one free custom asset as part of their plans and thus do not need to make this donation for their first new asset.
With this donation made, email and let them know that your donation has been made, making sure to supply the transaction ID in the email.
The next step is perhaps the easiest and also hardest, simply wait till the following Monday and your new asset should now be ready and good to go on your exchange!
Add a new trading pair
Similar to adding new coins, adding trading pairs can be done easily through the HollaEx Dashboard in the 'Trading' section. You'll see the 'Create pair' button in the 'Pairs' menu of it. Click the button to proceed.
The popup then shows all preset pairs that are compatible with your exchange setup with a dropdown. Select whatever you want through it, and click 'Next' to continue.
Click 'Next' to proceed again after checking the pair details.
You'll now see that the new pair has been added to your 'Pairs' list. Voila!
Create a new trading pair
You can add a new trading pair based on the coins you have on your exchange. Click the 'Create pair' button, and select the 'Create a new market' option on the popup.
Set the base asset and priced asset for your trading pair, and click 'Next'.
Set the pair details here and proceed.
Review the configuration and click 'Next'.
To finalize your pair and have a trading engine set up for it, the HollaEx team will need to verify it, as well as a donation of 1000 XHT being made to the following XHT address:
Users on the Crypto Pro, Enterprise, and Boost plans will receive one free pair (as well as the custom asset) as part of their plans and thus do not need to make this donation for their first new pair.
With this donation made, email and let them know that your donation has been made, making sure to supply the transaction ID in the email.
Once it gets verified, you'll see the pair on your exchange trading page.
Last updated